sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011


1,00 x 1,40
acrílica s/tela

Autumn in New York

1,00 X 1,20
acrílica s/tela

April in Paris

Spring winds tug at lightweight coats as lovers pause for a heartfelt kiss. In the distance, the Eiffell Tower glistens in the cool sunshine. Dayse Diaz captures the magic of April in the city of romance. 
1,20 m x 0,80 m
acrílica s/tela

Anonimo Veneziano


A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open. Blue is the male principle, astringent and spiritual. Yellow is the female principle, gentle, gay and spiritual. Red is matter, brutal and heavy and always the colour to be opposed and overcome by the other two. -- Franz Marc

1,00 x 1,20
acrílica s/tela
R$ 1.200,00

Rosas Vermelhas

Dimensão:  0,80 x 0,70
R$ 800,00

0,80 X 0,70

Satyre & Bacante

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." Michelangelo

Apolo & Daphne

1,00 x 0,80
acrílica s/tela